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In May 2015 Sir David Attenborough Hon FSB captivated an audience of almost 500 guests at the Science Museum in London and helped the Society of Biology to raise nearly £20,000 to support its charitable aims.

In conversation with TV paleopathologist Professor Alice Roberts FSB, Sir David spoke of the importance of natural history filmmaking in connecting people to the plight of the world’s biodiversity and climate.

Read more or watch the full conversation and the see the best pictures of the event below.

Alice and Sir David     Jean Franczyk deputy director of the Science Museum  Audience at the Science Musuem     Mark Downs Society of BiologyProfessor Roberts     Question from the audienceSir David film     Sir DavidProfessor Roberts and Sir David     Alice RobertsSir David with Jenny Webber     attenborough-pocket-squareProfessor Dame Jean Thomas     Raffle with Sir DavidAudience - wide