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The Royal Society of Biology has published its general election manifesto, demonstrating the importance of biosciences in the UK and setting out recommendations for the next Parliament to ensure the UK remains world-leading.

This statement of the RSB’s policy positions will be used to influence political parties and individuals involved in developing party manifestos ahead of the next general election. The document has been developed with valuable input from RSB committees and the wider Fellowship.

RSB asks the next UK Government to invest in biosciences for a sustainable and prosperous future, and promote STEM teaching, learning and expertise in schools, colleges, university, training and government.

The document outlines the need for a Government that will:

  • Invest in integrated solutions to the inter-linked global emergencies threatening the health of people and our planet.
  • Commit to evidence-based policymaking, using objective scientific expertise.
  • Promote ethical innovation and safe, transparent adoption of sustainable new biotechnologies.
  • Support qualifications for the sciences that are fit for purpose, equitable and ensure parity of esteem between academic, technical and vocational pathways.
  • Place subject expertise and evidence at the heart of teaching and learning frameworks, policies, initiatives and future curriculum reform.

RSB will be following up by seeking meetings with politicians to discuss the manifesto in more depth. We also encourage members to use this manifesto as a basis for engagement with their local MP, parliamentary candidates, or any other political or policymaking contacts in the run-up to the election.

The full manifesto document can be read online.