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Changes announced by the Government to cut net migration to the UK pose a risk to UK science, and the benefits it brings to citizens, the economy and our environment.

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The success of our science sector is underpinned by the success of our international collaboration in science. International mobility in science brings enormous benefit to the UK, enabling researchers to expand their skills and experience, and enhancing research excellence in our universities[1].

Government’s proposed changes from spring 2024 include a rise in the minimum salary eligible for the UK skilled worker visa, taking it well above the average starting salary for some essential scientific roles. This risks reducing the attractiveness of the UK for global talent and increasingly isolating UK researchers and research institutions from the global community. There could also be a reciprocal effect on other countries’ openness to welcoming UK researchers[2].

The RSB, together with other organisations representing researchers and research institutions, is seeking urgent engagement with the UK Government, to ensure that the UK remains as welcoming as possible to international scientists across the research workforce, and their families.


